package de.joshuagleitze import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.arguments.K2JVMCompilerArguments import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.common.messages.CompilerMessageSeverity import org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.K2JVMCompiler import org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.Services import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions import java.nio.file.Path object KotlinTestCompiler { /** * Uses the classpath of the running JVM to compile all files in the * provided [directory]. Fails if the compiler outputs any message with a * severity as bad as or worse than the [failOn] severity. */ fun assertKotlinCompiles( directory: Path, failOn: CompilerMessageSeverity = CompilerMessageSeverity.ERROR ) { val compilerArgs = K2JVMCompilerArguments().apply { freeArgs += directory.toString() classpath = System.getProperty("java.class.path") noStdlib = true noReflect = true } val errorCollector = KotlinTestCompilerLoggingMessageCollector(failOn) K2JVMCompiler().exec(errorCollector, Services.EMPTY, compilerArgs) if (errorCollector.hasErrors()) {"Compilation failed: ${errorCollector.errorMessage} (see output above)") } } }