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package edu.kit.informatik.calendar;


 * A month of a year.


 * @author Tobias Bachert

 * @author Joshua Gleitze

 * @version 2.0


public enum Month {


	 * Represents the first month of the year, 31 days.




	 * Represents the second month of the year, 29 days in a leap year, 28

	 * otherwise.




	 * Represents the third month of the year, 31 days.




	 * Represents the fourth month of the year, 30 days.




	 * Represents the fifth month of the year, 31 days.




	 * Represents the sixth month of the year, 30 days.




	 * Represents the seventh month of the year, 31 days.




	 * Represents the eight month of the year, 31 days.




	 * Represents the ninth month of the year, 30 days.




	 * Represents the tenth month of the year, 31 days.




	 * Represents the eleventh month of the year, 30 days.




	 * Represents the twelfth and last month of the year, 31 days.




	 * A copy of {@link #values()}. I don’t know why the example solution

	 * thought this was necessary.


	private static final Month[] MONTHS = Month.values();


	 * The number of days in this month, assuming we’re no in a leap year.


	private final int length;


	 * Constructs a month enum constant.


	 * @param length

	 *            The length of the month represented by the created constant,

	 *            assuming that we’ro not in a leap year.


	private Month(final int length) {

		this.length = length;



	 * Returns the month with the specified index.


	 * <p>

	 * The specified index has to be between the {@linkplain #toIndex() index}

	 * of {@linkplain #JANUARY} and {@linkplain #DECEMBER} (inclusive).


	 * @param index

	 *            the index

	 * @return the month

	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException

	 *             if {@code index} is not the index of a month


	public static Month ofIndex(final int index) {

		if (index < 1 || index > Month.MONTHS.length) {

			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad index " + index);


		return Month.MONTHS[index - 1];



	 * Returns the index of the month.


	 * <p>

	 * The months are continuously indexed, starting at {@code 1}.


	 * @return the index


	public int toIndex() {

		return this.ordinal() + 1;



	 * Queries the number of days in this month if it’s in the provided year.


	 * @param year

	 *            The year this month is assumed to be in. An integer ≥ 0.

	 * @return The number of days in this month if it’s in {@code year}.


	public int getLength(final int year) {

		if (Date.isLeapYear(year) && this == FEBRUARY) {

			return this.length + 1;


		return this.length;



	 * Checks whether {@code this} month comes after the provided {@code month}.


	 * @param month

	 *            A month to check.

	 * @return {@code true} iff {@code this} month comes after {@code month}.


	private boolean isAfter(final Month month) {

		return this.toIndex() > month.toIndex();



	 * Checks whether {@code this} month comes before the provided

	 * {@code month}.


	 * @param month

	 *            A month to check.

	 * @return {@code true} iff {@code this} month comes before {@code month}.


	public boolean isBefore(final Month month) {

		return month.isAfter(this);

