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package edu.kit.informatik.calendar;


 * A specific time of a day in seconds, minutes and hours.


 * @author Tobias Bachert

 * @author Joshua Gleitze

 * @version 2.0


public final class Time {


	 * The number of seconds in a minute.


	private static final int SECONDS_IN_MINUTE = 60;


	 * The number of minutes in an hour.


	private static final int MINUTES_IN_HOUR = 60;


	 * The number of seconds in an hour.


	private static final int SECONDS_IN_HOUR = Time.SECONDS_IN_MINUTE * Time.MINUTES_IN_HOUR;


	 * The number of hours in a day.


	private static final int HOURS_IN_DAY = 24;


	 * The number of seconds in a day.


	private static final int SECONDS_IN_DAY = Time.SECONDS_IN_HOUR * Time.HOURS_IN_DAY;


	 * This time’s hour. 1 ≤ {@link #hour} ≤ 23.


	private final int hour;


	 * This time’s minute. 1 ≤ {@link #minute} ≤ 59.


	private final int minute;


	 * This time’s second. 1 ≤ {@link #second} ≤ 59.


	private final int second;


	 * Creates a new Time out of the provided hour, minute and second.


	 * @param hour

	 *            The time’s hour. Must satisfy 1 ≤ {@code hour} ≤ 23.

	 * @param minute

	 *            The time’s minute. Must satisfy 1 ≤ {@code hour} ≤ 59.

	 * @param second

	 *            The time’s secon. Must satisfy 1 ≤ {@code hour} ≤ 59.


	public Time(final int hour, final int minute, final int second) {

		this.hour = hour;

		this.minute = minute;

		this.second = second;



	 * Creates a new time out of the provided sum of seconds.


	 * @param seconds

	 *            The sum of the time’s seconds. Must satisfy 0 ≤

	 *            {@code seconds} < {@link #SECONDS_IN_DAY}.


	private Time(final int seconds) {

		this(seconds / Time.SECONDS_IN_HOUR, (seconds / Time.SECONDS_IN_MINUTE) % Time.MINUTES_IN_HOUR,

				seconds % Time.SECONDS_IN_MINUTE);



	 * Create a {@link DateTime} at the provided date and this time.


	 * @param date

	 *            The date for the {@link DateTime}. Must not be {@code null}.

	 * @return A new {@link DateTime}, representing this time at the provided

	 *         {@code date}.


	public DateTime atDate(final Date date) {

		return new DateTime(date, this);



	 * Adds the provided time on this one.


	 * @param time

	 *            A time to add on this. Must not be {@code null}.

	 * @return A new instance, representing this time plus the provided

	 *         {@code time}. If the results hours exceed 23, the result

	 *         overflows, starting again at 00:00:00.


	public Time plus(final Time time) {

		return new Time(Math.floorMod(this.inSeconds() + time.inSeconds(), Time.SECONDS_IN_DAY));



	 * Subtracts the provided time from this one.


	 * @param time

	 *            A time to subtract from this. Must not be {@code null}.

	 * @return A new instance, representing this time minus the provided

	 *         {@code time}. If the results hours get below 0, the result

	 *         overflows, starting again at 23:59:59.


	public Time minus(final Time time) {

		return new Time(Math.floorMod(this.inSeconds() - time.inSeconds(), Time.SECONDS_IN_DAY));



	 * Queries this time’s hour.


	 * @return This time’s hour. Satisfies 1 ≤ {@code this.getHour()} ≤ 23.


	public int getHour() {

		return this.hour;



	 * Queries this time’s minute.


	 * @return This time’s minute. Satisfies 1 ≤ {@code this.getMinute()} ≤ 59.


	public int getMinute() {

		return this.minute;



	 * Queries this time’s second.


	 * @return This time’s second. Satisfies 1 ≤ {@code this.getSecond()} ≤ 59.


	public int getSecond() {

		return this.second;



	public String toString() {

		return String.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", this.hour, this.minute, this.second);



	 * Converts this time into its sum of seconds.


	 * @return The sum of seconds in this time.


	private int inSeconds() {

		return this.hour * Time.SECONDS_IN_HOUR + this.minute * Time.SECONDS_IN_MINUTE + this.second;



	 * Queries whether this time is an earlier point in time than another time.


	 * @param other

	 *            The time to check. Must not be {@code null}.

	 * @return {@code true} iff this time comes before {@code other}.


	public boolean isBefore(final Time other) {

		return this.inSeconds() < other.inSeconds();



	 * Queries whether this is the same time as another time.


	 * @param other

	 *            The time to check. Must not be {@code null}.

	 * @return {@code true} iff this time represents the same second in the same

	 *         minute in the same hour as {@code other}.


	public boolean isEqual(final Time other) {

		return this.hour == other.hour && this.minute == other.minute && this.second == other.second;



	 * Queries whether this time is a later point in time than another time.


	 * @param other

	 *            The time to check. Must not be {@code null}.

	 * @return {@code true} iff this time comes after {@code other}.


	public boolean isAfter(final Time other) {

		return other.isBefore(this);

